Interesting Prom Mentions in the News 5

thumb_1174090308867_0p70159.jpgParent outraged over glassware passed out as Prom momentos

Some parents are outraged over junior prom souvenirs. Copper Hills High School students are getting glassware that look like beer mugs and champagne glasses. That’s what Gary Davis’ son brought home from school after he bought his prom tickets. Davis says, “I was shocked, appalled that this type of material was given out by the school to underage kids.” Concerned parents say these glasses send a mixed – and dangerous – message to high school students.


A Guide To Your Perfect Prom

158816551501_aa180_sclzzzzzzz_.jpgCheck out these great tips on how to make your prom night fun and less stressful. This is a great article from Courier Journal and it’s an interview with Joanna Saltz, executive style editor of Seventeen magazine. She is quite an expert since you can say she literally “wrote the book”. That book is “Seventeen’s Guide to Your Perfect Prom — A Planner & Scrapbook”. Check it out!

There’s no denying it, the prom is an enormous extravaganza for a high school student.

That’s why Joanna Saltz, executive style editor of Seventeen magazine, decided to write a book about one of the biggest nights of a teen’s life. It’s called “Seventeen’s Guide to Your Perfect Prom — A Planner & Scrapbook” (Hearst Communications, 2007, $14.95).

“Prom is a major milestone in a teenager’s life. … It is such a huge thing for a lot of our readers,” Saltz said. “Part of the mission with this book is to make sure that our readers understand that there is a lot of planning that goes into it, but it doesn’t have to be stressful.”